All questions and answers to the Leadership Training Program (LTP) RFP are posted here.
Questions & Answers to the Leadership Training Program (LTP) RFP
Question 1: The proposal states you are planning up to 25 participants for each level. Is that the number we should base on coaching and peer network budget estimates on? In other words, 75 participants for Levels 1, 2, & 3 combined.
Answer 1: Yes, please anticipate a maximum number of 75 participants total. In the pilot year, the supervisor and executive groups were smaller than the manager group. If you can, please note your costs in cost per participant format so that variable attendance can be accounted for.
Question 2: How long do you anticipate each peer network group (no more than 10 people per group) to be or is it up to us to propose the length of time we think best fits the objectives?
Answer 2: The vendor is responsible for organizing the participants into peer groups. The vendor is not responsible for facilitating the peer group sessions. Peer groups are expected to be organized and facilitated by the participants themselves. Peer groups are anticipated to meet for around an hour in the off months between sessions (every other month, alternating with the general sessions.) The vendor can suggest an alternate format for the peer groups but must explain their reason for doing so in their proposal.
Question 3: How long are you estimating for 1:1 coaching or again, is it up to us to propose the length of time we think best fits the objectives?
Answer 3: Coaching should take place for the duration of the program in the off months between general sessions (every other month, alternating with the general sessions.) Coaching time per participant is at the discretion of the vendor, but around 30-60 minutes is a benchmark.
Question 4: Will the vendor be responsible for creating workbook materials?
Answer 4: A suite of materials, including PowerPoints and student workbooks developed for the pilot session will be provided to the vendor to adapt to their needs.
Question 5: Were there workbooks created the last time around that can be adapted?
Answer 5: Yes.
Question 6: Is the vendor responsible for printing any workbooks?
Answer 6: We would prefer for the vendor to print workbooks, but if assistance is needed, workbooks may be able to be printed by MnDOT or DRB. Please indicate in your proposal if you will require assistance printing materials.
Question 7: Do you have any sense of the travel distance for the training sites? If not, will the selected vendor have the opportunity to make adjustments to the budget after being selected?
Answer 7: We don’t anticipate that any travel would be more than 4 hours outside of the Twin Cities metro area, but the sites will be determined based on the participants’ needs. All incidentals incurred while traveling are subject to the state reimbursement rates listed in the RFP. Mileage will be reimbursed at the federal rate. The mileage, hotel, and per diem reimbursement rates cannot be changed or modified. The rules governing hotel budget in the RFP state that ” the maximum hotel reimbursement per night is $150 and can only be reimbursed if the training is more than 35 miles from the vendor’s home station.” It would be better to account for any hotel rooms that may be needed in your budget and adjust the budget upon selection if those hotel rooms end up not being allowable due to the mileage of the training event from your home station (business address).
Question 8: Please confirm that all training will take place in-person, and all peer network groups and 1:1 coaching will take place virtually
Answer 8: This is correct. Training will take place in person. Peer network groups will take place virtually. Coaching can take place over a phone call or virtually.
Question 9: Will advisory team meetings and orientations take place in-person, in the Metro, or virtually?
Answer 9: The location of team meetings with the LTP Advisory Group will be based on the availability of the vendor and the LTP Advisory Group. If an in-person meeting is chosen, it would likely take place in either Maple Grove or St. Cloud, but the exact location would depend on the group and vendor’s location and availability.
Question 10: Is there a set-date by when the vendor will be selected and notified by?
Answer 10: We anticipate that a vendor will be selected within a few weeks of the proposal’s deliverable date.
Question 11: Where will the answers to our questions be posted?
Answer 11: The questions have been posted here, on
Question 12: What parts from the previous leadership program do you wish to retain, and which parts do you wish to improve or discard?
Answer 12: The goals for the program and specifications are outlined in the “Project Specific Information” section of the RFP. This program will build on the previous/pilot leadership training program with modifications suggested by the vendor and approved by the LTP Advisory Group during phase 1 of the timeline.
Question 13: What is your budget or budget range for this project?
Answer 13: We do not have an identified budget range for this project.
Question 14: Will invoices be directed to DRB, the state or another entity?
Answer 14: Invoices shall be submitted to DRB Consulting on a monthly basis.
Question 15: What is your preferred modality for progress/administrative meetings (in-person, virtual)? Will all meetings be conducted using the same modality?
Answer 15: Progress and administrative meetings with DRB and MnDOT will be virtual, unless there is a specific need for an in-person meeting requested by the vendor, such as a site assessment.
Question 16: If there is a face-to-face trainer/facilitator, can there also be a virtual trainer/facilitator?
Answer 16: Vendors who can administer the training sessions fully in-person are preferred, but vendors may submit an alternate proposal if they provide the reason why the participants would benefit from a hybrid facilitator arrangement in their proposal.
Question 17: Why are you choosing to outsource this project rather than staffing it internally?
Answer 17: DRB is seeking a consultant with specific leadership and management consulting experience to administer this program based on direction from MnDOT’s Office of Transit and Active Transportation (OTAT). The Minnesota transit community requested an outside vendor for this training.
Question 18: Will answers to questions from all potential vendors be shared among them?
Answer 18: Yes. All questions received from vendors by the deadline noted in the RFP, have been collected on this page and posted here (
Question 19: Will we be able to learn who the other bidders are?
Answer 19: Yes. This will become public information as this is a state and federally funded project. Other bidders will become public information after the award of the contract.
Question 20: In our proposal, may we include references and hyperlinks to electronic resources, e.g, to web pages?
Answer 20: Yes, you may.
Question 21: The RFP mentions “Responders should demonstrate direct knowledge of or experience working with rural public transit systems” and “Responders should demonstrate knowledge regarding all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it relates to the provision of transportation services” are these required qualifications?
Answer 21: The section of the RFP under the header “Design Skills/Qualifications” and “Demonstration of the following qualifications will be taken into consideration when rating the company and personnel background and experience” are qualifications considered helpful but are not required qualifications.
Question 22: Can you share your expectations about the format for pricing in our proposal?
Answer 22: Please include as much detail as you can in your pricing, breaking down tasks by scope of work and deliverables, including resource allocation (hours) when possible. If pricing is based on the number of participants in the program (for coaching or materials costs, for example), please note these costs in a cost per participant format so that variable attendance can be accounted for.
RFP Information
A copy of the RFP may be accessed here.
Responders who have any questions regarding this RFP must submit questions, by email only, to: Mariah Kathan, DRB Consulting, MnRTAP Contract Project Manager
All prospective responders will be responsible for checking this page for any addendums to this RFP and any questions that have been answered. Note that questions will be posted verbatim, as submitted.
Questions regarding this RFP must be received by Mariah Kathan no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT) on June 20, 2023.
DRB anticipates posting answers to such questions no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT) on June 21, 2023. No other DRB and/or MnDOT personnel are permitted to discuss this RFP with potential vendors before the proposal submission deadline. Contact regarding this RFP with any personnel not listed above may result in disqualification.